- 田中久陽, 図書紹介「インフィニティパワー 宇宙の謎を解き明かす微積分」 (S. ストロガッツ 著、徳田功 訳、丸善出版), 電子情報通信学会学会誌, 2022年10月.(pdf)
- 田中久陽, 書評「インフィニティパワー 宇宙の謎を解き明かす微積分」 (S. ストロガッツ 著、徳田功 訳、丸善出版), IEICE FR誌, 2022年10月.(pdf)
- 田中久陽, 「非線形問題とヘルダーの不等式 (続編)」,電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamental Review, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 238-247, April 2019.(pdf)
- 田中久陽, 「物理分野に現れる可解な最適化問題の最近の話題」, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録, Vol. 2027, pp.93-108, 2017年4月.(pdf)
- 田中久陽,「非線形問題とヘルダーの不等式」, 電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamental Review, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 219-228, 2016年1月.(pdf)
- 田中久陽, 「注入同期の物理限界」, 応用数理, vol.24, no. 3, pp.103-109, 2014年10月. (pdf)
DOI:10.11540/bjsiam.24.3_103 - 田中久陽, 「アドホック・センサネットワークにおけるダイナミクスの問題」, システム/制御/情報, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 352-357, 2009年8月. (pdf)
- 田中久陽, 大石進一, 「同期技術と同期現象 (最近の研究から)」, 日本物理学会誌, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 200-204, 1998年3月. (pdf)
- 田中久陽, 「同期現象の科学の最近の進展」,電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 80, no. 11, pp. 1175-1179, 1997年11月.(電子情報通信学会誌のページ)
Optimization problem
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Masaki Nakagawa, and Yasutada Oohama, “A Direct Link between R´enyi-Tsallis Entropy and H¨older’s Inequality ― Yet Another Proof of R´enyi-Tsallis Entropy Maximization,” MDPI Journal Entropy, vol. 21, issue 6, 549, May. 2019.
Ad hoc networks, ubiquitous sensor networks
- Masaki Nakagawa, Akira Keida, and Hisa-Aki Tanaka: “Design and Simulation Analysis of An Asychronous Flooding Protocol Based on Receiver-Initiated Media Access Control,” Trans. IEICE A, vol. J102-A, no. 3, pp. 133-148, Mar. 2019.(pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka and Kenta Shinohara:”A mode-lock free decentralized timing synchronization algorithm for intervehicle ad-hoc networks,” Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 285-294, Apr. 2015.(pdf)
DOI:10.1587/nolta.6.285 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Hiroya Nakao, and Kenta Shinohara: “Self-organizing timing allocation mechanism in distributed wireless sensor networks,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2009. (pdf)
DOI:10.1587/elex.6.1562 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Osamu Masugata, Daisuke Ohta, Akio Hasegawa, and Peter Davis:”Fast, self-adaptive timing-synchronization algorithm for 802.11 MANET,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 932-934 , Aug. 2006. (pdf)
DOI:10.1049/el:20061390 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Daisuke Ohta, Osamu Masugata, Akio Hasegawa, Peter Davis: “Analysis of timing synchronization process and its bottleneck in multi-hop ad hoc networks using IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol,” submitted to Trans. IEICE A, 2007. (pdf)
Elucidation of synchronization phenomena, application to synchronization systems
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Yoji Yabe, Somei Suga, Akira Keida, Kai Maeda, Fumito Mori and Hiroo Sekiya:”Maximisation of synchronisability under low injection power,” Europhysics Letters, vol. 146, no. 5, 52001, July 2024.(pdf))
- Akira Keida, Yoji Yabe, Kai Maeda, Somei Suga, Fumito Mori, Hiroo Sekiya, and Hisa-Aki Tanaka: “Maximization of Injection-Locking Ability under Low Injection Power,” Trans. IEICE A, vol. J107-A, no. 3, pp. 47-55, May. 2024.(pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Youjie Ouyang, Yoji Yabe, Isao Nishikawa, and Kazuki Nakada, “Better Clock Synchronization From Simultaneous Two Skew Estimations,” Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, vol. 7, no. 4, pp.548-556, Oct. 2016.(pdf))
DOI:10.1587/nolta.7.548 - 矢部洋司,西川功,中田一紀,守川知行,関屋大雄,安藤芳晃,田中久陽 : 「注入同期のロックレンジを最大化する入力信号波形 — CMOS リングオシレータを例として —」 , 電子情報通信学会論文誌 C, 2016.(pdf)
詳細 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Isao Nishikawa, Jurgen Kurths, Yifei Chen, and Istvan Z. Kiss,”Optimal synchronization of oscillatory chemical reactions with complex pulse, square, and smooth waveforms signals maximizes Tsallis entropy,” Europhysics Letters, vol. 111, no. 5, 50007, Sep. 2015.(pdf)
DOI:10.1209/0295-5075/111/50007 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka: “Optimal entrainment with smooth, pulse, and square signals in weakly forced nonlinear oscillators,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 288, pp. 1-22, Nov. 2014.(pdf)
DOI:10.1016/j.physd.2014.07.003 - Tomoharu Nagashima, Xiuqin Wei, Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Hiroo Sekiya:”Locking Range Derivations for Injection-Locked Class-E Oscillator Applying Phase Reduction Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 2904-2911, Oct. 2014.(pdf)
DOI:10.1109/TCSI.2014.2327276 - 田中久陽:”注入同期の物理限界,” 応用数理, vol.24 , no.3, pp. 7-13, 2014年10月.(pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka:”Synchronization limit of weakly forced nonlinear oscillators,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, (Rapid Communications) 47, 402002(1-10), Sep. 2014.(pdf)
DOI:10.1088/1751-8113/47/40/402002 - Anatoly Zlotnik, Yifei Chen, Istvan Z. Kiss, Hisa-Aki Tanaka and Jr-Shin Li, “Optimal waveform for fast entrainment of weakly forced nonlinear oscillators,” Physical Review Letters. 111, 024102, 2013.(pdf)
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.024102 - Takahiro Harada, Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Michael J. Hankins, and Istvan Z. Kiss: “Optimal Waveform for the Entrainment of a Weakly Forced Oscillator,” Physical Review Letters. 105, 088301, 2010.(pdf)
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.088301 - Kuniyasu Shimizu, Tetsuro Endo, and Hisa-Aki Tanaka: “Averaging Method Analysis of Synchronization Characteristics of a Large Number of Nonlinearly Coupled van der Pol Oscillators,” to appear in IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, 2007.(pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Kuniyasu Shimizu, Osamu Masugata, and Tetsuro Endo:”Flexible phase synchronisation control method using partially unlocking oscillator arrays,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 672-674 , 2007.(pdf)
DOI:10.1049/el:20070094 - 清水邦康,遠藤哲郎,田中久陽:「非線形結合された二つのvan der Pol発振器の平均化法による同期特性の解析」, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, vol. J90-A, no.2, pp. 111-121, 2007年 2月.(pdf)
- Daisuke Ohta, Hisa-Aki Tanaka, and Yusuke Maino: “Two Computational Algorithms for Deriving Phase Equations; Equivalence and Some Cautions,” Trans. IEICE A, 2006. (pdf)
- Noriaki Nagata and Hisa-Aki Tanaka: “Analysis of Entrainment in the Drosophila Circadian Clock System,” Trans. IEICE A, 2005(pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Akio Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Mizuno, and Tetsuro Endoh,”Synchronizability of Distributed Clock Oscillators,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 1271 – 1278, Sep. 2002.(pdf)
DOI:10.1109/TCSI.2002.802361 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka and Akio Hasegawa: “A modelock avoiding synchronisation method,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 38 , no. 4, pp. 186-187, Feb. 2002. (pdf)
DOI:10.1049/el:20020114 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Akio Hasegawa, and Nobuyoshi Ohba: “Percolation Effect on Population Synchrony,” Trans. IEICE A, vol. J84-A, no. 6, pp. 870-874, June 2001. (pdf)
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Akio Hasegawa, and Shinichiro Haruyama: “Reconfigurable phase-locked loops on a FPGA utilizing intrinsic synchronizability,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 77 – 78, Jan. 2001. (pdf)
DOI:10.1049/el:20010051 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Allan J. Lichtenberg, and Shin’ichi Oishi:” Self-Synchronization in Globally Coupled Oscillators with Hysteretic Response,” Physica D, vol. 100, pp. 279-300, 1997.(pdf)
DOI:10.1016/S0167-2789(96)00193-5 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Maria de Sousa Vieira, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman, and Shin’ichi Oishi: “Stability of Synchronized States in One Dimensional Networks of Second Order PLLs,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 681-690, 1997.
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka and Allan J. Lichtenberg : “First Order Phase Transition Resulting from Finite Inertia in Coupled Oscillator Systems,” Physical Review Letters, 1997.(pdf)
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.2104 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Shin’ichi Oishi, and Kazuo Horiuchi:”Geometric Structure of Two Coupled Phase-Locked Loops,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 438 – 443, June 1996.(pdf)
DOI:10.1109/81.503252 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka:”Chaos from Orbit-Flip Homoclinic Orbits Generated in a Practical Circuit,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 74, no. 8, pp. 1339 – 1342, Feb. 1995.(pdf)
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.1339 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Shin’ichi Oishi and Kazuo Horiuchi: “Melnikov Analysis of a Second Order PLL Demodulator in the Presence of CW Interferences,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E77-A, no. 11, pp. 1887 – 1891, Nov. 1994.(pdf)
Network dynamics, distributed intelligence in slime molds
- Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Kazuki Nakada, Yuta Kondo, Tomoyuki Morikawa, and Isao Nishikawa:”A Simplistic Dynamic Circuit Analogue of Adaptive Transport Networks in True Slime Mold,” Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, vol. E7-N, no. 2, pp. , Apr. 2016.(pdf)
DOI:10.1587/nolta.7.86 - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Yuta Kondo, and Hiroyuki Nei:”What do amoebae look before they leap? – an efficient mechanism before sporulation in the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum -,” Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 275-284, Apr. 2015.(pdf)
DOI:10.1587/nolta.6.275 - Kazuko Terada, Hisa-Aki Tanaka, and Shuji Yoshizawa: “Two-Parameter Bifurcations in the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations for Muscle Fibers,” Trans. IEICE A, vol. J81-A, no. 10, pp. 1331-1338, Oct. 1998.(pdf)
( 英訳:Electronics and Communications in Japan: Part3, vol. 83, pp. 86 – 94, 2000.) - Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Atsushi Okada, Shin’ichi Oishi, and Kazuo Horiuchi: “Singular Point Analysis for Dynamical Systems with Many Parameters – An Application to Asymmetrically and Densely Connected Neural Network Model,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J77-A, no.7, pp. 965 – 973, July 1994.(pdf)
( 英訳:Electronics and Communications in Japan: Part3, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 92 – 102, Oct. 1994.)